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ItaliAmo: Free Course of Italian Language and Culture, A1 Level, for iOS and Android devices

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation has developed, in cooperation with IED [European Design Institute] and Ovosodo, the “ItaliAmo” app, which offers a free Italian language and culture A1 level course for iOS and Android devices (

The course seeks to become a new interactive tool to teach Italian and promote the excellence of Italy’s culture and products abroad.

The course, which is available free of charge on Google Play and App Store, is organised in ten steps set in ten Italian cities or regions. It is meant to be a journey to discover Italy along with Leo and Lisa, modern day versions of two famed historical persons, Leonardo da Vinci and the Mona Lisa.

Each step is divided into four sections, i.e. dialogue, expressions, exercises and culture. Currently available in English and Chinese, the app will be translated into the major languages by the end of the year.

With this app, users may interactively learn the basics of Italian language while discovering the artistic and cultural heritage of our country and the excellence of Made in Italy products. This is a truly cutting edge project in the field of language learning with an innovative graphic design.

With “ItaliAmo” the Farnesina reaffirms its commitment to favour Italy’s cultural and economic promotion abroad, increasing the range of tools and investment in favour of Italian language and culture.