Da oggi, 1 gennaio, il sito dell’Ambasciata d’Italia in Kuwait modifica la sua veste grafica di apertura offrendovi una serie di bellissimi scatti del Kuwait, il cui utilizzo ci è stato gentilmente concesso da Usman Mohammed Iqbal, fotografo che sta riscuotendo significativi riconoscimenti anche a livello internazionale e che ringraziamo sinceramente per aver accolto il nostro invito a questa e altre collaborazioni con l’Ambasciata. Usman ci accompagnerà per tutto l’anno, ogni mese con un scatto diverso.
Qui sotto biografia e informazioni sull’autore e le sue fotografie.
“I have been interested in photography since my childhood and have been practicing it at family events, social trips and gatherings. While shooting, I have used a 35 film camera. This passion of photography took a larger picture in my life ever since I purchased my first DSLR back in 2011. Being new to the world of SLRs, I used my recently purchased camera in Auto mode for around 6 months. In 2012, I started challenging myself by using the manual functions of the camera which led me to join a reputed photography club, Q8 Expat Photography Club.
Much Later, a friend of mine, Mr. Nauman Abdul Hafeez, encouraged me a lot, opened my eyes and mind into the world of photography and making me see things differently.
A major turn in my Photography journey was in 2014, when I was introduced through Facebook to a good friend, Mr. Arfan Ahmed, who personally shaped my creative skills, composition & post processing techniques by inviting me to various projects and being my guide and inspiration in the years to come. He also gave me his Hasselblad 503cx to shoot in black and white.
Since 2015 I have almost solely been shooting on film.
… And the journey continues.“
Instagram: @Om.lighchaser
Facebook: @OthmanMLightchaser
500px: https://500px.com/usmanmiqbal
Phone no: +965-99379363
Email: omlightchaser@gmail.com